Don’t Text And Drive Scholarship Application Guide


Our cell phones are now our constant companions, but great technology also comes with great responsibility. Numerous incidents of distracted driving have resulted in numerous fatalities, and the risks associated with texting and driving are widely known. 

The “Don’t Text and Drive” scholarship is a shining example of how important it is to encourage safe driving practices, and it invites students to share their thoughts on this important topic. The “Don’t Text and Drive” scholarship goes beyond the conventional framework for academic acknowledgment. 

It is a call to action, asking students to discuss the important problem of distracted driving and add their voices to the group’s efforts to stop this dangerous practice. Since the goal of the scholarship is to encourage and create awareness, your application serves as a platform for advocacy, bringing attention to the importance of safe driving practices.

As per the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, drivers who text while driving have a 23-fold increased risk of experiencing a “safety-critical event.” This scholarship is intended to educate you on the dangers of texting and driving. 

Who may apply?

You must be a current or incoming college or graduate student at any level, or a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior in high school. Students who are homeschooled are also qualified. No age restriction applies. A legal resident or citizen of the United States is also required. Deadline: September 30, 2024, which falls on September’s National Drive-Avoidance Day.


How to apply

Fill out the application online and include a 140-character essay about texting and driving. A group of finalists will be chosen from the top ten applications. The website of the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship offers a straightforward application. Just upload the following:

  • Write a 500–1,000 word essay about texting and driving will be required of the finalists.
  • Personal information
  • Details about education, such as GPA and graduation year
  • A list of the universities you have chosen to attend or are considering
  • Your academic specialty
  • An additional 140 characters to the sentence “I swear not to text and drive because…”
  • Your individual statement You have the opportunity to differentiate your application by filling out the pledge not to text and drive, so make sure you give it some careful thought.

How the winner will be chosen

The 500–1,000 word essay’s content and originality will determine the winner.
