Loans For Unemployed In Nigeria


You would probably agree that losing your job can be very difficult on your finances. It is crucial that you use the little you have wisely in this circumstance. Nevertheless, despite your best efforts to be frugal with your money, there are some unforeseeable occurrences that will force you to part with some cash. 

Because you are unemployed in this case, you might not be able to meet these needs. The bright side is that you can apply for loans in Nigeria for unemployed people. As technology advances, the business sector expands and consumer demand for loans rises. There are several loans accessible for both private citizens and businesses.

Some are owned by the federal government, while others are owned by private persons.  The Nigerian central bank is in charge of regulating them all and issuing them with operating permits.

Can a jobless individual in Nigeria obtain a loan?

Yes, that is the answer. These loan platforms provide personal loans to individuals as well as loans to unemployed persons. The easiest loans to get are personal loans, where you take out a fixed loan amount and repay it over time.

How can an unemployed person obtain a loan?

You must first go through this article to select a loan application platform, then submit a loan application. There is no requirement for employment status or collateral for the loans.  All you have to do to qualify for a loan application, even if you’re unemployed, is make sure your credit score is quite good.


Which app issues loans most quickly?

There are several loan platforms, however, the palm credit loan is renowned for disbursing loans more quickly. By all accounts, the fastest lending app in Nigeria is Palm Credit’s immediate loan app, which offers loan disbursements of up to 100,000 NGN in under 3 minutes. Palm Credit offers loans with maturities of 4-26 weeks and interest rates of 5-28% at an annualized rate of 24.5-56%.

Loan app for the unemployed in Nigeria

1. CarrotPay Loan

With the CarrotPay Loan app, you don’t need to worry about your work status, and you wouldn’t have to worry about going through a time-consuming process before you can obtain a loan from the platform. This loan platform is ideal for your needs. With a six-month repayment period, you are qualified for a loan of up to N50,000. 

2. Baobab Loan

The baobab loan is one of the loans that provide personal loans with repayment terms of up to 24 months, an extremely low-interest rate, and approval and funding distribution that frequently happens within 72 hours. With this loan platform, you may be able to obtain loans up to #5,000,000. This depends on your eligibility.

3. Quick check

One of the lending platforms that makes it simple for you to apply for a loan without taking into account your work status is Quick Check. You can apply for a loan using the loan app in amounts as low as #1,500 and as high as #100,000, but you should be aware that the maximum loan amount you are qualified to apply for is mostly determined by your credit score. 

4. Palmcredit Loan

Nigerians without jobs are known to receive loans from Palm Credit. Additionally, you can use it for other banking activities like bill payments and transfers. You must be at least 18 years old to use this app and apply for a loan. This app does not take into account your work situation.

5. Carbon Loan

One of the best platforms for loans that anyone can apply for and be approved for, regardless of employment status, is called Carbon; it was formerly known as a pay-later loan. Carbon is one of the most well-known loan apps.

It only takes a few simple steps to complete the loan application: download the app from your Google Play store, install it on your phone, open it, and enter all the necessary data. Your account will soon be credited with the loan amount, assuming it is approved.

6. Branch Loan

The request for loan and approval process for this is one of the easiest in Nigeria, and you may simply access your money with only a click. The only thing you need to do is download the programs. Open the app after installation, provide all the necessary information, select “Register,” and then move on to the loan application. 

7. Fair Money Loan

In addition to allowing you to apply even if you’re unemployed, this lending platform has the advantage of allowing you to access a variety of loan sizes without the need for any type of collateral. If you’re seeking a rapid loan application that can provide money to you quickly, 
