The days of having to endure a great deal of stress merely to obtain a loan are long gone. Due to the extensive paperwork required, obtaining a loan used to be a challenge. However, modern technology has made borrowing rather simple. The Sharp Sharp loan is one of these simple loans. The purpose of this loan package is to meet the financial demands of government employees. It is an easy loan with a rapid turnaround and minimal interest.
A brief review of the Sharp Sharp Loan
One of CreditDirect’s loan offerings is the Sharp Sharp Loan, which is only available to Nigerian employees of the federal and state governments. In essence, they provide Nigerian government employees with rapid emergency loans devoid of any security. This lending program is promoted as being the easiest and most affordable in Nigeria. Additionally, it has a sizable clientele of more than 250,000 people.
Sharp Sharp Loan Code
You can apply for the sharp sharp loan by dialing *5120#. You can also follow this process or submit an application for their loan using their mobile website. Your account will be credited with the loan.
How do I make a Sharp Sharp Loan application?
Simply take the following actions to apply for the Sharp Sharp package:
- Go to, a website.
- Select “Sharp Sharp”. On the website, that is the first thing you will notice.
- Click “Apply Now” and complete the application form that appears. Wait for a representative of the firm to contact you following this.
You can also visit their address or phone their customer service line at 01-4482225.
What paperwork is required to apply for a Sharp Sharp Loan?
You require the following paperwork in order to borrow this loan package from CreditDirect:
- A loan agreement form that is correctly filled out. Your passport photo should be attached.
- Your confirmation letter or a letter of introduction and employment.
- Submissions from guarantors, evidence of income and residency, and your post-dated checks.
- Reliable Identification Methods
- Your pay stubs, bank statements, and work ID (only for salaried individuals).
You will need the following to complete the online application form:
- Name
- Address
- Phone Numbers
- Email Address
How long is the loan for?
This loan product has a loan term of one month to twelve months. It may, however, be up to 24 months in exceptional circumstances.
How do I get a hold of Sharp Sharp Loan?
You can contact the parent firm to obtain this loan product because it is one of CreditDirect’s loan packages.
Address: 48/50 Isaac John Street, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: 01-4482225, 0700CREDITDIRECT
Email: [email protected]
Final Thoughts
The low-interest Sharp Sharp loan product offers rapid and convenient credit. You should be confident that this product is safe and dependable because more than 250,000 government employees have borrowed from it. Using this platform, you can get a comprehensive loan crafted to meet your unique demands. Basically, it enables you to enjoy easy loans from the best loan lenders in Africa.