How Does The Pelican Water System Work


Pelican Water Systems specializes in providing filtration and water treatment solutions for both home and business applications. A variety of water treatment solutions are available from them, such as UV disinfection systems, water softeners, whole-house water filters, and other system types. 

Pelican Water Systems aims to eliminate or reduce different types of contaminants in order to provide customers with safe, delicious, and clean water. Based in Florida, Pelican Water Systems was founded in 2007. Water softeners, UV, RO, and shower head filters are just a few of the many water treatment systems that the company offers. 

Pelican is probably what you’re looking for if you’re looking for something a little more specialized than standard pitcher filters. Whole-house water treatment, or treating all the water that enters a home, is a common focus of Pelican Water Systems. 

Water used for drinking, cooking, taking a bath, and other domestic tasks falls under this category. By substituting minerals like calcium and magnesium that lead to hardness in water through an ion exchange process, salt-based water softeners lessen the hardness of the water.

Typically, pelican systems combine several filtration technologies, including carbon filters to eliminate organic compounds and chlorine, sediment filters to remove larger particles, and optional salt-free water softening techniques like Template Assisted Crystallisation (TAC).


Pelican systems are made to require very little upkeep. The main maintenance tasks are usually periodic checks and regular filter replacements.

Filtration Procedure 

To get rid of bigger particles and silt from the water, many Pelican systems begin with a pre-filter. This keeps the ensuing filters safe and prolongs their lifespan. Activated carbon filters are frequently used to get rid of organic compounds, chlorine, and chloramines that can change the taste and smell of water. Common contaminants can be effectively reduced through carbon filtration.

Water Softening Procedure

To eliminate hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium ions) from the water, Pelican Water Softeners frequently employ an ion exchange procedure. The water is essentially made softer by exchanging these ions for sodium ions as it passes through a resin bed.

Salt-Free Conditioning 

Pelican systems replace conventional water softening with salt-free conditioning techniques. These techniques could involve the use of Template Assisted Crystallisation (TAC) or other technologies that stop the formation of scale without putting salt in the water.

UV Disinfection 

There is a chance that some Pelican systems have a UV (ultraviolet) disinfection stage. In order to add another degree of protection, UV light is used to destroy bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in the water.

Whole Home Systems

All of the water entering your home is treated thanks to Pelican’s whole-house water filtration and softening systems. Water for drinking, bathing, washing, and other domestic uses is included in this.


Pelican places a strong emphasis on easy installation, allowing homeowners to handle the setup and maintenance of the systems on their own. But hiring a pro installer is also an option. Pelican systems are made to require very little upkeep. The main maintenance tasks are usually periodic checks and regular filter replacements. Pelican Water Systems frequently emphasizes how dedicated they are to finding eco-friendly solutions. Particularly, salt-free water softening is frequently marketed as a more environmentally responsible substitute for conventional water softening techniques.
